Open Rehearsal in favor of Associazione CAF
With the funds raised it will support the “Teen Lab” Day Education Center in Milan, an afternoon space aimed at children aged 12 to 18 from fragile family backgrounds, with the aim of supporting them in their growth path, supporting them in their orientation to the future starting from the different life contexts that each of them will have to face: school, work, family, friends, relationships.
During the Open Rehearsal, the program can be modified for artistic needs: the performance can be interrupted and some of the tracks can be omitted. The conductor and orchestra professors are not wearing concert attire.
Concerto in D major op. 35 for violin and orchestra
Enigma Variations op. 36
Kazuki Yamada è direttore musicale della City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra (CBSO). Oltre ai suoi impegni a Birmingham, Yamada è anche direttore artistico e musicale dell'Orchestre Philharmonique de MonteCarlo (OPMC).
Read MoreNikolaj Szeps-Znaider è uno di quei rari musicisti che “è passato in modo non comune al podio, portando la sua intuizione di violinista e la sua profonda musicalità” (Cleveland com). La stagione 23/24 segna il suo quarto incarico
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